Tuesday, September 23, 2008

We are set to move

Well things are moving as smoothly as possible in regards to the house. As far as we know, we are set to close on the house this Thursday and the big move will be Saturday. Mom is coming down Wednesday to help us in the move. She will wrangle kids on Saturday so that the other adults can focus on packing and getting the house contents moved across the metro. Patty and Steve will be lending a hand on Saturday morning with trailer in tow. Hopefully with a combination of mini-vans, pick up trucks and trailers we can get the house moved (at least the majority) on Saturday so that all we will have left to do is clean.

We have notified the girls' mom about the move and suprisingly there was no argument or nastiness from her. She may be thinking but she hasn't verbalized it, which is nice because we don't need the added stress. I am sure that she will have a blow out once we request for our parenting time back (some time was eliminated due to her moving 40 minutes away from us). Our attorney says that if she doesn't cooperate without attorneys, he thinks it will be a "slam dunk" if we have to take it to Court. These are words I have never heard our attorney say, so I am optimistic that soon we will be working towards a better parenting time schedule with the girls.

Noah is growing as usual. He had a growth spurt and jumped from the 50% range in height and weight to the 70% range. He is 26 pounds and 36 inches long. He definitely grew this summer. He is quite a talker and will carry on a conversation with you in his rambling baby talk. He loves to say Hi, and Bye and loves to holler MUM MUM to see if he can get a reaction from me. He likes to stand by my legs when I cook and try to see if he can beg a piece of cheese or whatever I happen to be chopping up. He has an infectious giggle and people will stop us to tell us how cute he is....lol

Abigail and Kendra turned 5 this month. They also started a new preschool. Next year they start kindergarten.

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